CBD in recipes have already made it to the forefront with a host of wellness benefits. From mental agility, improved focus, increased energy levels, it’s a storehouse of goodness all the way.

With dairy free inclusions, these recipes are not only healthy but also tickle your taste buds like nothing you’ve tasted before.

In this post, we take a look at 5 such delicious, CBD edibles recipes free from dairy inclusions but still can leave you wanting for more.

Read on!


CBD Dairy-Free No Bake Cheesecake

Preparation Time: Under 10 minutes
Total Cooking time: 3 hours 10 minutes


What all do you need:

  1. Cheesecake fillings
  2. About two-three cups of organic raw cashews soaked overnight 
  3. A cup of coconut cream
  4. One and a half cup of vegan cream cheese
  5. One third cup of maple syrup
  6. One fourth tablespoonful of vanilla
  7. Four tablespoons of lemon juice 
  8. One tablespoon of blackstrap molasses
  9. One tablespoon of flavorless high potency CBD Oil 
  10. Pie crust

Instructions to follow: 

  1. Start by adding the cheesecake fillings to a blender and keep blending it for one-two minutes, or more. The idea is to get a smooth paste.
  2. Next, pour the cheesecake filling right into the crust  and use a spoon to smoothen out things. 
  3. Now, place everything in the freezer for 2-3 hrs.
  4. You can finish the recipe by adding your choice of toppings



Dairy-Free Banana Cream CBD Pudding

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Total cooking time: 10 minutes 


What all you need:

  1. Four egg yolks
  2. One-fourth cup of honey 
  3. One-fourth cup of almond meal flour
  4. Three mashed bananas (preferably ripe)
  5. Two cups of full-fat coconut milk
  6. Two full droppers of CBD Oil Full Spectrum Tincture 
  7. One teaspoonful of vanilla extract
  8. Half teaspoon of sea salt
  9. One-fourth cup of chopped walnuts (completely optional)
  10. Little bit of cinnamon (also optional)

Instructions to follow:

  1. Start by mashing three ripe bananas in a bowl.
  2. Whisk egg yolks, honey syrup, and almond meal flour and set it aside.
  3. Next, heat up coconut milk in a saucepan  as you keep stirring it  slowly. 
  4. Now, pour the warned up coconut milk and stir to mix it in the egg mixture.
  5. Proceed to transfer the mixture of coconut and egg back to the saucepan  and keep cooking at low heat for the next two-three minutes. Make sure the mixture doesn’t get to a  boiling point. 
  6. Next, transfer the mixture by taking things into a large bowl and keep whisking the mashed bananas, vanilla extract, and the CBD Oil Tincture.
  7. Now, chill things for another hour.
  8. Lastly, serve the pudding with chopped walnuts right on top and can add a dash of cinnamon for extra taste. 



All-Natural CBD Recovery Drink

Preparation time:  Five minutes


What all you need:

  1. One small cucumber
  2. One large orange
  3. One small lemon
  4. Half cup CBD oil
  5. Half inch freshly peeled ginger
  6. One-fourth teaspoonful of salt
  7. One-fourth teaspoonsful of white sugar
  8. One-eighth grounded cayenne pepper
  9. Two cups of coconut water

Instructions to follow:

  1. Start by adding orange, lemon, cucumber, CBD, salt, ginger, sugar, cayenne pepper into a juicer. 
  2. Next, pour one cup of coconut water and CBD tincture and stir well.. 
  3. Top it up with ice for a refreshing taste.

Raspberry Peach Cannabis Smoothie

Preparation time:  Five minutes 

What all you need:

  1. A high speed blender and mason jars 
  2. One cup of frozen peach slices 
  3. Half cup of fresh red raspberries
  4. Half cup of cup vanilla Greek yogurt
  5. Two scoops of unflavored collagen protein powder
  6. One teaspoonful honey
  7. One teaspoonful CBD oil of your choice 
  8. One-eight teaspoonful of grounded cinnamon

Instructions to follow:

  1. Start by adding all the ingredients in a blender.
  2. Keep working on the blender at high settings for more than one minute until you get a smooth paste.
  3. To swap the flavors, you can swap the raspberries for either cranberries or cantaloupe.


High Protein CBD Rainbow Chicken Salad

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Total cooking time: 50 minutes

What all you need:

  1. One-fourth pound of diced chicken breast 
  2. One-fourth cup of lemon vinaigrette
  3. Half cup of chopped kale 
  4. Half cup of 1/2 cup baby kale, chopped
  5. Half teaspoonful of CBD oil 
  6. Half cup of chopped red cabbage
  7. One-fourth cup of brussels sprouts
  8. One-fourth cup of diced yellow bell pepper
  9. One-fourth cup of diced medium plum 
  10. One-fourth cup of diced medium peach 
  11. One fourth cup of blueberries


Instructions to follow:

  1. Start by preheating your oven to 350°F. 
  2. Next, prepare a baking sheet (foil-lined) and keep it aside. 
  3. Now, take a ziplock bag  and combine the chicken breast along with half of lemon vinaigrette to marinate and sit for about twenty minutes.
  4. After the marination is done, take to sprinkling salt and pepper for taste. 
  5. Start baking the chicken for about twenty minutes and toss the whole meat halfway through the process. Make sure the chicken has been cooked to an internal temperature of no less than 165°F.
  6. When the chicken is being cooked, mix the CBD oil, kale leaves, red cabbage along with the Brussels sprouts to act as the salad base.
  7. Top up things using the diced bell pepper, peach, plum  and blueberries and then top up further with the cooked chicken.
  8. Lasty, serve with a topping of lemon vinaigrette.



Wrap Up 

So, there you go with five awesome, dairy-free CBD recipes that pack the best of nutrition and taste in tandem.

Also, when working on CBD edibles recipes, it’s always a wise call to calculate the CBD ratio using a CBD calculator so that you don’t overdo things.

Do try them out in your kitchen and let us know about your experience in the comments below.


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