CBD is a shortened way of saying the word ‘cannabidiol’.

Cannabidiol” is a cannabinoid, which is one of the many active ingredients naturally found in the industrial hemp plant.

Cannabinoids are any one of the active ingredients found in any of the plants within the cannabis family of plants.

Our bodies like all mammals produce some cannabinoids of their own called endocannabinoids.

Whilst endocannabinoids are cannabinoids produced by the body, phytocannabinoids is the term we use to speak about the cannabinoids derived from plants.

An endocannabinoid system is a series of receptors located in the brain, central nervous system, and other areas around the body that use the body’s own natural cannabinoids to promote a healthy state of ‘well being’ in us.

Phytocannabinoids (cannabinoids derived from plants) are very similar to endocannabinoids (cannabinoids produced by the body) and it has been discovered that some phytocannabinoids like CBD also interacts with our body’s receptors to promote health in our bodies. With this discovery, it has been said that phytocannabinoids are an all-natural way to support the human body’s own endocannabinoid system.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the 113+ compounds found in hemp plants. It’s a non-intoxicating cannabinoid that has the ability to act on cannabinoid receptors that are part of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). Plant cannabinoids, also known as phytocannabinoids, bind with this system which helps regulate certain vital functions of the body, including sleep, appetite, immune, pleasure, pain, inflammation, and more!

When the ECS is in sync, the human body is able to achieve what is called homeostasis, which means your body is operating at optimal human performance.

Broad-spectrum CBD contains cannabidiol and all the other compounds within the plant, except for THC which is completely removed after the initial extraction.

Because broad-spectrum extracts contain multiple cannabinoids, they also produce the “entourage effect,” but without the THC.

In a very simplified manner, broad-spectrum CBD is like a mix between full-spectrum CBD and CBD isolate. It contains the entire spectrum of cannabinoids EXCEPT for the THC part.

CBD isolate is the purest form of this compound, made by pulling it from its natural environment and removing it from all other ingredients.

The advantage of using CBD isolate over other formats is the highest concentration of CBD per serving. Isolates are usually 99% pure, meaning that one gram of isolate powder carries about 990 mg of CBD.

There’s no entourage effect, though — you can benefit solely from the effects of cannabidiol, hence the lower price of such products and lower demand than full-spectrum or broad-spectrum CBD.

Now, what is the entourage effect really about?

Below we shed light on this intriguing phenomenon.

Cannabinoids (the chemical compound found in hemp) interacts with our body in a very natural way because our bodies produces its own version of cannabinoids called endocannabinoids.

CBD has been the subject of extensive scientific research and has a potential benefit for a wide range of health conditions. Amongst the list, it has the potential to promote anti-anxiety and the ability to promote sleep.

CBD oil is a natural anxiolytic, meaning it may be able to reduce anxiety.  There is evidence that CBD oil may be able to reduce anxiety by directly affecting certain areas in the brain. Scientists have found that CBD oil could potentially lower the activity in the two parts of the brain involved in anxiety (the amygdala and prefrontal cortex). The same research has also shown that CBD oil may have a positive impact on reducing stress.

In the same way, CBD oil could potentially promote sleep. While there are many causes for insomnia, some of the biggest are stress and anxiety, as a calming agent, CBD oil has the potential to calm the tension that keeps us from sleeping.

Scientists have suggested that CBD Oil may have many other health benefits on fibromyalgia, chronic pain, arthritis, migraines and much more.

*Due to FDA regulations, as sellers of CBD Oil we cannot make medical claims. The products sold from this website are considered nutritional supplements and personal care products. We encourage you to discuss the benefits of hemp oil with your physician or healthcare practitioner.

The significant difference between marijuana and hemp are the levels of THC found in each.

Does Hemp Extract or CBD get you high? Absolutely not!

There are different types of cannabis plants and hybrids.

Hemp is the plant used for several industrial purposes from food products, body care products to fabrics and insulation.

Marijuana is the plant used for recreational smoking that gives the mind-altering high feeling that people get after smoking.

Both hemp and marijuana plants are from a plant family called Cannabaceae.

There are over 100 different known cannabinoids in cannabis plants. Sadly the most famous cannabinoid is THC which is the cannabinoid compound behind the high mind-altering feeling that people get after ingesting marijuana.

Marijuana has high very levels of THC and Hemp has very low levels of THC.

In order to be legally considered hemp, the hemp plant must contain less than 0.3% THC.

The levels of CBD and THC in hemp oil can vary, depending on the design of the product and the type of plant from which the oil is extracted.

CBD oil is a concentration of the cannabidiol compound typically derived from hemp.

Hemp extract is an oil derived from the industrial hemp plant. This oil can be used for a variety of purposes, the most popular being consumed as a wellness supplement because of its cannabinoids, phytocannabinoids and cannabidiol (CBD).

Genesis Pure Botanicals have sourced CBD oils that have little to no THC in them. So you won’t get you high or experience any side effects like those associated with using marijuana. Instead, CBD oils have been described as calming resulting in anti-anxiety.

Due to FDA regulations, as sellers of CBD Oil we cannot make medical claims. The products sold from this website are considered nutritional supplements and personal care products. We encourage you to discuss the benefits of hemp oil with your physician or healthcare practitioner.

Although larger clinical research is needed, if you take a large amount of CBD you may feel fatigue.

If you’re sensitive to oils, taking a large amount of any hemp oil product could upset your stomach.

We advise that you do not to take CBD if you are pregnant.

All your medical decisions should always be made with the advice of a qualified medical practitioner.

Most drug tests in the workplace search for the psychoactive compound THC, not Cannabidiol (CBD) or other compounds found naturally in hemp. However, lab results show that hemp oil can contain trace amounts of THC. Although only a very small amount is present, it could cause a positive result when screening urine and blood specimens. If you are subject to any form of drug testing or screening, we recommend that you do not ingest our products. Please consult with your healthcare practitioner and drug screening/testing company or employer before consuming these products.

To take a hemp oil tincture, fill the pipette by using the dropper top. Then, simply dispense the desired amount under your tongue. This is called “sublingual” use. Now, wait 60-90 seconds and then swallow the oil. If you find the flavour is too potent, try drinking juice along with it.

Hemp oil tinctures come in a wide array of sizes, flavours, and strengths.

Generally, we suggest following the recommended CBD serving size on the product that you have purchased for a full week. Make sure you’re taking it every day. After that first week you could adjust your serving size to your satisfaction. If you want greater effect increase your dosage or if you want less effect then decrease your dosage.

If it’s your very first time using CBD, it may take your body a week to respond to it. Or maybe you just need to take more. Try doubling your CBD serving size for the next week. You can continue this pattern until satisfied.

The best time of day to take CBD is based on your personal preferences (in the morning, before bed, or half-and-half) or when you feel CBD is needed.

Always consult your medical doctor before taking any new products. We are not doctors, we can’t diagnose, treat or prescribe for any condition.

For the Hemp Oil Liquid Drops take a 1/2 dropper full once or twice daily. Place the oil under your tongue, wait 60-90 seconds and then swallow.

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